About a quarter of Americans have a clutter problem. For the most part, this isn’t a significant problem. However, it will be when it is time to move. 

Decluttering is one of the crucial tasks homeowners should do when preparing for a move. Staying organized with a task list will ensure you complete everything for a smooth moving process. This moving checklist will help you know how to prepare for movers.

Purge Your Home of Clutter 

Don’t waste time and money moving items you don’t need to keep. Before you start organizing or packing, you should perform a clutter purge. This should significantly reduce the amount of stuff in your home. 

The average American woman owns over 30 outfits. This is your opportunity to clean out your closet of clothing you don’t wear. 

Donate, Sell, or Throw Away 

Create three categories: donate, sell, or throw away. If you aren’t going to keep something, decide which of these three categories it should go into. This also serves as a perfect opportunity to set aside high-value items and take an inventory of what you own. 

Set Aside High-Value Items 

No matter how reputable or trustworthy a moving company is, it’s always best to move high-value items yourself. This would include jewelry, documents, and family heirlooms. These are times that have a high dollar or emotional value. 

Create a Detailed Inventory 

Create a detailed inventory of the items in your home. This will help you organize and track everything you are having the home movers transport. 

When making your inventory, include a detailed description of the items. Include the age and condition. Take note of how many of each item there is. 

Don’t plan to remember everything. Moving and stressful and chaotic. Writing it down and taking pictures is the only way to guarantee that you remember everything. 

Prepare Your Home 

You will pay for a professional mover’s time. Make their job easier and faster by preparing your home for their arrival.

This could require you to pack all of your boxes. Label all boxes so the movers know where to place boxes at your new home. 

However, you could hire movers to pack. In this case, you should organize the items you want packed together. 

Create clear walkways to make navigating the home easier. Plan for large furniture by keeping large doorways open.

Make a Plan for Children and Pets 

Moving day will be stressful for your children and pets. When you hire a moving company in Nashville, your movers will have a team of people to move everything out of your home. Doors will be left open to streamline the moving process. 

Arrange for someone to care for your children and pets in a separate location during the move. This keeps them safe, happy, and away from the chaos. It also lets you focus on your move without distraction.

How to Prepare for Movers

If you plan to move around the Nashville area, you need to know how to prepare for movers. Hiring a moving company will reduce your stress and smooth out the moving process. Helping your movers with this prep checklist will enable them to do their job better. 

Request a free, no-obligation quote for moving services in Nashville.