Clutter isn’t just overwhelming, it can also lead to feelings of stress and anxiety. According to Neuroscience News, a cluttered environment can lead to cognitive overload, making it more difficult to accomplish important tasks.

If you’re getting ready to move into a new place, creating a declutter checklist is crucial for a smooth, stress-free experience.

Check out our helpful moving tips to give you some motivation for better home organization.

Start with the Kitchen

From countertop appliances to bulky cookware, decluttering the kitchen is often the most daunting task. Here are some items you can toss out to start your declutter checklist off strong:

  • Expired food items
  • Burnt or damaged cookware
  • Food storage containers with missing lids (or lids without containers)
  • Broken appliances, utensils, or cookware

Anything expired or broken should be tossed out immediately which will make your relocation preparation easier. The less you have to contend with, the easier packing and moving will be.

Declutter Checklist: Living Room

The living room is where most people spend the bulk of their time, so having a cluttered space here isn’t too surprising. Fortunately, you can get ahead of the game by tossing out items like:

  • Old media like VHS tapes or outdated CDs and DVDs
  • Worn-out throw blankets and ped bedding
  • Broken children’s toys
  • Dirty or worn area rugs

The fewer items you pack from this space, the less you’ll have to deal with on your moving day. Look through this area carefully to determine what you can declutter now.

Clear Out Bedrooms

Whether you have just one or three or more, the bedroom is another place you should begin to declutter. Toss out these items to get ahead of your home organization:

  • Old or broken clothes hangers
  • Clothing you no longer wear
  • Shoes you no longer wear
  • Broken or mismatched jewelry

This is also a good time to do a quick inventory of the bedding you plan to keep, and what you plan to donate or toss. Work on one bedroom first, then move on to the next one after you’re done decluttering the first one, and so on. Don’t forget to label each box, too.

Quick Decluttering Tips

You don’t have to throw everything in the trash when you’re decluttering your home. Consider holding a yard sale, a garage sale, or listing some items you think will sell online for some extra cash. 

This is also a great time to find out where you can donate any items you no longer need. Remember, it’s better to donate things than to toss them in the local landfill. Research some local charities and nonprofit organizations that could benefit from the items you’d like to donate. 

Declutter Your Home for an Easy Move

With a simple declutter checklist, you can get rid of items that are weighing you down. The sooner you start the decluttering process, the easier the packing and moving experience will be.

The team at Tri-Star Moving provides a range of residential and commercial moving services in Tennessee, so contact us today to find out how we can help you!